Categories: Технологи

Discover the Latest in Machine Technology and Turnkey Solutions at INDEX Corp.’s Booth at IMTS 2024

INDEX CORP. will be showcasing its high-precision machines at IMTS 2024 in booth 339119. Among the machines on display will be the North American debut of the C200 FANUC, a cost-effective variant of its production machining center. Additionally, INDEX CORP. will be highlighting its Index iXperience portfolio, which offers value-added services to manufacturers, ranging from machine acquisition and installation to turnkey production system development and delivery.

The new C200 FANUC combines the design and performance of Index’s production turning center with a Fanuc control system. Featuring powerful twin spindles for rapid material removal and a patented SingleSlide guide system for fast dynamic response, the machine includes a third turret to enhance productivity for operators by enabling quick spindle movement for increased flexibility and minimized cycle times.

The MS40-8 CNC multi-spindle machine, equipped with eight motorized spindles, is designed for short cycle times on both complex and simple parts. It can be operated with dual synchronized spindles in a double four-spindle mode to produce two complete parts with each rotation of the spindle drum. The machine can be configured with up to 18 CNC slides and additional Y axes for performing a wide range of processes independently on each spindle.

The TNL20 machine offers the flexibility to switch between sliding- and fixed-headstock operation quickly, making it an ideal solution for shops engaged in Swiss-type machining. With a rigid, vibration-damping bed, the TNL20 maintains exceptional accuracy while accommodating up to four tools simultaneously in the cut. Equipped with two turrets and the ability to use double and triple holders, the machine can accommodate up to 58 tools for handling a variety of complex small parts efficiently.

Shigi Khutukhu

Published by
Shigi Khutukhu

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